Favour Emmanuel
Was up all night watching a scary movie, Edna my roomie was already out… her boyfriend’s, she would be spending the night. I was alone..
Now I’m not one to scare easy so watching horror movies alone had no creep effect on me. I am not a spiritual person, I don’t believe in superstition or supernaturals, however, I do find such movies quite interesting.
The movie ended at around 2am, past mid night, going morning. I turned off my system and tucked myself in my blanket as scenes from the movie played in my head repeatedly. The fact that they even claimed it was from actual life events made me chuckle a bit and I unconsciously, reluctantly called out the demons name just as they did in the movie Alastor, Alastor!
Few seconds later i felt warm breath in my left ear. It smelled like rot from a sea of corpses. It didn’t make any sense because I was the only person in the house, I gently pushed my finger into my left ear and lightly itched it and then smelled my armpits since I hadn’t really taken a bath that day, I did smell just not like rot…
I ignored and went straight to bed but a disturbing feeling woke me, a twitching on my left foot… It felt like something wet was rubbing under my foot, I quickly reached for my phone, turned the torch on and flashed towards my feet… I saw something, I don’t know what it was. Blind with no eye balls yet it stared directly at me, It had its wet creeping tongue under my foot but i hurriedly pulled my feet from it and it disappeared,
Quickly, off the bed I jumped and turned the lights on, hoping to get some comfort but there it was… Standing right in front of me, with eyes black as the darkness it hailed from. I could see a thousand deaths in it’s gaze. No more than 2inchs away from mine, I could feel it’s thick cold breath against my lips, breath that smelled like death…
It had weird markings on its face, markings that looked like they were carved with a hot iron…. Wait, This creature looked familiar, like I’ve seen it somewhere, the movie I watched earlier.. at this point I was shaking, my feet trembling as sweat rolled down my body like rain drops. Still in shiver I called her name “A…Al…Alastor” She screamed loudly, so loud it could ruin any eardrum, her mouth was wide and wild, she could swallow me in an instant…
At this point I woke up. Breathing heavily…sweat emitted from my body.. It was a dream. Thank God it was only a dream. I said to my self still shaking. “Beep Beep” my heart almost flew from my chest, I grasped my chest breathing twice as fast as I was “chill out girl it’s just your phone” I said to myself,
I took my phone and checked … it was a message from an unknown number “You have summoned me here and now I shall dwell in you till the end of time.”
I immediately started to feel this burn in my left arm… I could smell my burning skin as letters started to appear one by one till they spelt her name A_L_A_S_T_O_R
What have I done…