These were the words of the CEO of Greysoft Technologies/GreyHobb, Isah Raphael when we asked him about what inspired the level of excellence at GreyHobb. Right at the top of the company’s list of values is “people”. The hub profoundly ensures that people feel welcome and comfortable when they enter into its premises. The environment in itself is serene, neat and friendly. It is built in a way that it captures basic needs. From the outdoor working spaces, access to constant electricity and internet supply, a cafeteria with two gazebos for eat-outs, trees and flora that more than present an exquisite scenery, provide a maximally aerated environment. Your experience can be nothing short of remarkable! www.greysoft.ngTraining programs are diverse and unique; from basic digital literacy programs to emerging technologies. GreyHobb is also a Certiport Authorized Testing Center (CATC) licensed to train and administer exams on IC3 program packages.
The internal offices are well built and cozy such that it fosters work and relaxation. The inscriptions on the walls inspire possibilities and the space managers are happy to listen and reason with visitors always.
The creative space is called GreyCreate. Its partnership with Rabitz Studios ( has seen it churn out tons of creative content from events, films, music and cultural contents.
What stands out in GreyHobb is the way the community is built. People are happy to share ideas with one another. A co-worker is eager to help the next in need and that is not a very common feat in most co-working spaces. Surely, a great deal of work must have gone into building such a community.