A 21-year-old man named Salami Anedu has been arrested in Edo state on suspicion of murdering his wife, Esther Friday, following a dispute over food, according to the state’s Police Public Relations Officer, SP Chidi Nwabuzor.
The incident occurred on August 30 when Anedu allegedly used a stick to fatally injure his wife during an argument in their home in Ugbekpe community. Aluaye Momoh reported the incident to the police, leading to Anedu’s arrest by the Fugar Police Division. The case was subsequently transferred to the Homicide Section of the State Criminal Investigation Department in Benin for further investigation.
Anedu, however, maintains his innocence, claiming that his wife had threatened to bring her brothers to confront him during their disagreement over food. He stated that he did not harm her but that her brothers arrived armed with sticks, leading to a physical altercation. Anedu asserts that he was wrongfully accused of his wife’s death, mentioning that she was already ill before the incident.
This tragic incident serves as a stark reminder of the importance of resolving conflicts peacefully and seeking help from authorities when needed.