Why Coworking is best for Startups – The GreyHobb experience
Co-working spaces are flexible and shared work environments that make significant effort to connect users with supportive networks that commonly result in efficient work outputs, high level of collaboration and knowledge transfer.
Startups are usually small by nature and definition in the sense that the founders do not have big money in most cases. They also lack well-rounded experience in their field and the complete man-power they need; talk more of having the wherewithal to rent a fully furnished office space, powered with uninterrupted 24hr electricity and internet supply to run a successful venture. That’s why Apple, Facebook and the likes started from the garage.
GreyHobb, a co-working and creation innovation hub in Kaduna, Nigeria, founded by Greysoft Technologies Limited – http://www.greysoft.ng, sets off in a mission to help people leverage technology for improved livelihood, with a vision to achieve optimal access to digital opportunities. At GreyHobb, every startup is already incubated on sign up. This is evident in the structure of the community of co-workers, as each is carefully admitted in line with Greysoft’s values and vision. Joining an umbrella of innovative minds on a journey to solve problems digitally means that you are in the right space, if that’s your angle.
What’s important is that you immediately have access to a pool of mentors who are already walking the path you are dreaming of. You also have access to manpower, such as; digital marketers, product designers, developers etc. and some of these come in for free if you have good social skills. Naturally, you would have to hire these services and pay through your nose, but hey! The lady behind you is a good content writer and she could help you with a killer article if you ask nicely or at least show you how.
GreyHobb is well designed with external features such as gazebos for folks who like natural air and open spaces. The cafeteria is also built as gazebos so you can enjoy an all-round work experience whether you were indoors or outdoors. There’s also an external urinary and a wonderful ecologically friendly environment littered with trees everywhere, making the air clean and healthy to breathe.
There is also a crypto trading community at GreyHobb that trades for members just to ensure that members get richer – can you beat that?!As far as co-working spaces are concerned in Kaduna and I daresay Nigeria is concerned, GreyHobb is one of a kind.SHARETWEETPINSHARE