Being a Rejoinder by Tony Nnadi on behalf of NINAS Secretariat, to the Debate in the British Parliament following the Pentecost Day Terror Attack on worshipers at a Catholic Church in Owo
– issued June 10, 2022.
Reviewing the video recording of the Debate in the British Parliament in the immediate aftermath of the June 5, 2022 Terror Attack on worshippers at a Catholic Church in Owo, the overall impression is that of a determined effort by Britain to distort, obfuscate and possibly deflect attention from the self-evident complicity of the Government of Nigeria under the watch of their ward, Muhammadu Buhari, in the widespread Campaign of Terror being perpetrated by Fulani invaders against the indigenous peoples of Nigeria.
Guided by its own vested interests, that cock and bull Debate in the British Parliament is built on the long-disproved false narrative about farmers/herdsmen clashes, prompted mainly by the consequences of climate change.
This false narrative avoids the true nature of what the problem is, which in the main, is the murderous Fulani Conquest Invasion as well as the complicity of the President of Nigeria, Muhammadu Buhari (a Fulani man), his Government and the high command of the Nigerian Military over which Buhari presides as Commander-In-Chief.
All the remediation actions and propositions by the British Minister taking the questions in Parliament, manifestly revolved around the jaundiced tales of the Government of Nigeria which is deeply complicit in the escalating violence.
These contrast sharply with what the United States (US) did in getting to the root of the Nigerian terror crisis by interfacing with the victims of the terror attacks as well as speaking with people in Nigeria who could have more insight into the nature and true cause(s) of the violence, including incidentally, myself.
I happened to be in the Delegation of Nigerians invited to the 2019 Round of International Religious Freedom Ministerial Roundtable on Capitol Hill in Washington DC, (June-July 2019) following the January 2019 Emergency Press Conferences on Nigeria at the National Press Club in Washington DC organized by a coalition of US Evangelicals, and facilitated by ICON, to call global attention to the widespread ethnoreligious killings going on in Nigeria.
The aforementioned US Probe of the ethnoreligious killings in Nigeria, established a Fulani ethnic agenda, disguised with the garment of religion (Jihad) compounded by the complicity of the Buhari-led Government resulting in US Policy Actions on Nigeria which began with Nigeria being placed on a Special US Watch-List in December 2019 and the subsequent designation of Nigeria as a Country of Particular Concern (CPC) in March 2020, amongst other actions.
NINAS will make an audiovisual response to that misleading British Parliamentary Debate on the Terror currently ravaging Nigeria.
In the meantime, the public is invited to view on YouTube, two recent NINAS Broadcasts in its Alert Series under titles:
(1) “Train Terror Attack Demands: Evidence of Government Complicity”
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(2) “Nigeria: The Pyramid of Evil”
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which relate to the subject matter and which both predate the Owo Terror Attack.
These two videos above speak to the backdrop of the British vested interests and complicity of the Government of Nigeria and so what we see in the aforementioned British Parliamentary debate is basically a spin of the Caliphate, being marketed by their British Principals.
Tony Nnadi
NINAS Secretariat
June 10, 2022.